My world has changed


In my arms, so in love 
First hug

Hey there! Let me tell you about one of the most amazing days of my life. I officially became a mom on June 15, 2015, at 1:54 pm. I couldn't be happier! The day was full of excitement and a little bit of chaos. We had arrived at the hospital the night before because we needed to prepare since our little one might have a heart defect, so we needed to make some preparations. But even though we were a little scared, we held on to our faith and trusted that everything would be okay. And it was! We felt so much peace and joy when we finally held our baby. It was indeed a life-changing moment.

I'm so grateful that my little one made it to full term. I made sure to take good care of myself by eating healthy, exercising, and attending regular checkups. Carrying a baby can be exhausting, especially for a first-time mom like me. But I followed the instructions and was thankful my mom was beside me. All in all, it was a truly remarkable experience.

After sharing a meal with my loved ones, we spent quality time together as a family. Though I was in the hospital and unable to relax fully, the care I received from the attentive nurses made all the difference. Despite their concern for my well-being, I chose to push through the pain and discomfort, trusting in my strength and resilience. When the moment finally arrived, I faced it head-on and gracefully, knowing I could handle whatever came my way. My determination paid off, and I welcomed my new little one with open arms and heart.

Soon after, the whole team (20 people): Nicu staff, the maternity staff, and the mom and hubby were there surrounding me to deliver this baby. We tried twice for my precious to come out, but my baby was not feeling to come out (asleep), and finally, once his heartbeat was dropping and mine was not doing well either, they quickly decided no more natural delivery. Let's go and do an emergency c-section. Even though it was not what I wanted, at this point, I was beyond exhausted, and I cared for my baby's safety and mine.

So, at 1:54 pm on June 15, my baby boy was born. They had to give him a little spank because he was asleep. He slept throughout the whole pregnancy and even during delivery. I prayed for a boy, and God granted me one. I prayed for an uncomplicated pregnancy, and things didn't work out as smoothly as I wanted, but overall, my baby and I were safe and okay. I prayed that I wouldn't be anxious and fearful, and I wasn't; God granted peace that surpasses understanding. Even in the events that unfolded during delivery, my baby came out healthy and had no heart defects. He's whole and complete. So there's plenty to praise God for.  

First sight

I am grateful for my family's unwavering support, my exceptional husband's strength and love, and my church family's prayers for my child's health. My life has transformed in ways I never thought possible, but I wouldn't have it any other way. The moment I saw my baby boy, my heart overflowed with an indescribable love that will forever fill my soul.

"Motherhood is a new phase that I look forward to enjoying. It is a journey I never imagined I would experience, but God's plan is much better. Today, I am not just a woman but a mom, and I am grateful for this beautiful gift."

Our bundle of joy 


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