Daughter of Grace week 6

 Mary Magdalene

§    Contributed to the needs of Jesus and his disciples (out of her own wealth)

§    One of the few faithful followers present at Jesus death on the cross

§     First to see the risen Christ

§     Mary Magdalene was loyal and generous. She is listed among the women who helped support Jesus' ministry with their funds (Luke 8:3).

§  Her great faith earned special affection from Jesus.

§  Mary was deeply devoted to Jesus and stayed with him during his crucifixion when others fled in fear.

§  Mary Magdalene was honored by being the first person Jesus appeared to after his resurrection.

§    Because Mary Magdalene was charged in all four Gospels to be the first to share the good news of Christ’s resurrection, she is often called the first evangelist. She is mentioned more often than any other woman in the New Testament.

§    Loyal follower of Jesus


§  Jesus had to drive seven demons out of her

Lessons from her life

1.      never dabble in the evil spirit world

2.      We must follow Christ even unto death

3.      The more we desire Christ, the more we will see Him

4.      We are called to do a work

5.      God does not play favoritism

6.      We must know the voice of God and Jesus

7.      Keep the Sabbath Day

8.      Never stop serving God

9.      Christ sees the value in everyone

a)      We can see just how much Christ can do for someone

10.  We not only learn what Christ can do for us, but what we can do for HIM

11.   Christ’s work for Mary Magdalene and her loving ministry to Him constitute the elevation of women to the rank of friendship with men.

12.  Seek God’s healing

13.  God can cleanse us of our sins

14.  God turns our grief into joy

15.  He uses women who have felt pain and sorrow, women who have been raised in the ways of the Lord, and women who have been redeemed from darkness.

16.  Those who are obedient grow in understanding

17.  Women are vital to Jesus' ministry

18.  Jesus relates to women as he created them as equal reflectors of God's image

19.  Jesus can heal anyone of anything

20.  Conversation empowers women

21.  My past is past

22.  God chooses the weak to shame the strong

23.  Jesus is the most important in my life

24.  Being a follower of Jesus Christ will result in hard times. Mary stood by Jesus as he suffered and died on the cross, saw him buried, and came to the empty tomb on the third morning. When Mary told the apostles Jesus had risen, none of them believed her. Yet she never wavered. Mary Magdalene knew what she knew. As Christians, we, too, will be the target of ridicule and distrust, but we must hold onto the truth. Jesus is worth it.

25.  Mary Magdalene, one of the most prominent females in the Bible, appears in all four Gospels as a loyal follower of Jesus.

26.  Mary stayed with Jesus at the foot of the cross. She and other women bought spices to anoint Jesus's body and appeared at his tomb in all four Gospels.

27.  Mary was among the first to receive the news of Jesus' resurrection.

28.  Mary Magdalene owed much, gave much, loved much, and served much. She is a wonderful example of a woman whose life was poured out in response to God’s extravagant grace.

29.  Mary Magdalene is the subject of much controversy, legend, and misconception. There is no evidence to back up claims that she was a reformed prostitute, the wife of Jesus, and the mother of his child.


Successful businesswoman

§     the first convert to Christianity in Philippi, and therefore Europe

§    Brought her entire household to hear about Jesus, and all were baptized as a result

§    Provided housing in Philippi for Paul and Silas

§    Lydia was intelligent, perceptive, and assertive to compete in business. Her faithful pursuit of God as a Jew caused the Holy Spirit to make her receptive to Paul's message of the gospel. She was generous and hospitable, opening her home to traveling ministers and missionaries.

§    Worshipper of God

§      She honored the sabbath

§     She listened

§    She was hospitable (invited Paul and company to stay with her)

§    You are persuasive


§     Lydia seems to be a problem-free kind of woman

 Lessons from her life

1.      God rewards those who honestly seek him

2.      One of the marks of the convention is to care for others physically and spiritually

3.      Lydia's story shows God works through people by opening their hearts to help them believe the good news. Salvation is by faith in Jesus Christ through grace and cannot be earned by human works. As Paul explained who Jesus was and why he had to die for the sins of the world, Lydia showed a humble, trusting spirit. Further, she was baptized and

4.      The lord opened her heart and brought salvation to her entire household, an early example of how to win the souls of those closest to us.

5.      Lydia also credited God with her earthly blessings and quickly shared them with Paul and his friends. Her example of stewardship shows we cannot pay God back for our salvation, but we do have an obligation to support the church and its missionary efforts.

6.      The lord opened her heart, and she responded to be the first convert in Europe (she was Asian)

7.      God’s desire is for your entire household to be saved.


§    One of the first missionaries and a leader of the early church, along with her husband, Aquila, she risked her life for the apostle Paul. Priscilla was a woman whose spiritual maturity and understanding of the faith helped build up the early church.

§     Outstanding husband/wife team who ministered in the early church

§    Supported themselves by tentmaking while serving Christ

§     Close friends of Paul



§    To experience opposition to the gospel from both Jews and Gentiles.


Lessons from her life

1.     A woman who dared to use her mind but did not misuse it by conceit or domination. She had clarity of mind and purpose. She had a harmonious relationship with her husband, but she was evidently the outstanding one of the two.

2.     Couples can have an effective ministry together

3.     The home is a valuable tool for evangelism

4.     Every believer needs to be well educated in the faith, whatever his or her role in the church

5.     Priscilla was knowledgeable of the scriptures.

6.     Priscilla was blessed with a good marriage.

7.     She traveled with her husband wherever they needed to go.

8.     Priscilla and Aquila have overcome hardships together

9.     Aquila and Priscilla worked together

      Priscilla and Aquila kept their house open.

11. Aquila and Priscilla were a missionary couple

1   Aquila and Priscilla taught people the Gospel

1   Priscilla and Aquila risked their lives for others

1  Aquila and Priscilla showed mutual respect





1.     Eve: Finding Lasting Contentment in the Truth

2.     Sarah: Laughter to faithful laughter

3.     Hagar: Hopeless soul to encounter Jehovah El ROI

4.      Rebekah: Breaking Free of Feminine Stereotypes

5.     Rachel: God redeemed her Sorrow

6.      Leah: Overcoming Rejection and Insecurity

7.     The Hebrew midwives: Pioneers of faith

8.     Mother of Moses: faithful mother entrusted GOD

9.     Rahab: sinful woman with a heart of gold for GOD

10. Deborah: An unlike choice  

11. Jael: An unlike leader

12. Ruth: A road to redemption

13. Hannah: Surrendering in Waiting

14. The widow of Zarephath: Obedience miracle

15. Esther: A royal servant

16. . Gomer: Learning to Accept Unconditional Love

17. Elizabeth: heartache to hope

18. Mary, Mother of Jesus: Moving from Comfort to Courage

19. Anna: a trivial devotion

20. The Woman of Samaria -The Woman at the Well: Turning Our Messes into Messages

21. The sinful woman: wordless worship on an unmanned woman

22. The woman with the issue of blood: miraculous healing touch  

23. Martha: Finding Our Identity in Jesus

24. Mary of Bethany: Putting Our Faith into Action

25. The widow of Two Coins: A humble offering of praise

26. Mary Magdalene: Transforming from Outcast to Follower

27. Lydia: Boundless grace and blessings

28. Priscilla: Act of love turns into devotion to the Lord

I trust that you will find immense joy and inspiration as you delve into the enchanting world of the Daughters of Grace series. With its rich tapestry of faith, love, and redemption woven throughout each page, these stories will surely captivate your heart and soul. As you journey alongside these remarkable women, may you discover the beauty of grace in unexpected places and be reminded of the boundless love surrounding you. Embrace the magic of storytelling and allow yourself to be swept away by the transformative power of hope and faith. Here's to an unforgettable adventure with the Daughters of Grace!




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