Beautiful Darkness


Look! Says my little one, la luna mami; it is so beautiful. I replied, yes, it is. Then, we just stood there for a few minutes gazing at the moon and all its magical splendor. As we stared at the moon, it reminded me God makes beautiful things even in the dark, and my little one and I genuinely enjoyed those minutes of God's splendor. This begs the question, can there be beauty in the dark? Can God make things beautiful in the darkness?

As I dig into the word darkness, I notice we associate the name with captivity, death, confusion, and destruction. However, when it comes to God, He shows us a different aspect of darkness in the bible. A place where we could have a more profound experience with him. Secret places where we discovered God's most beautiful treasures. Isaiah 45:3 says I will give you the treasures of darkness and the hoards in hidden places, that you may know that it is I, the Lord, the God of Israel, who call you by your name.

In today's world, where everyone is saying, see me, extra sharing is social media, and posting anything to be seen and recognized, it is exceedingly difficult to appreciate that God works his best work in the dark. He forces us to go into the darkness to part with comfort and plunge into isolated places so we can find, receive, and embrace a holy treasure. There are riches in the waiting in secret areas, such as pockets of blessings from friends or foes, haters, spectators, imitators, and unexpected places. We cannot think of treasures or riches coming out of the dark places in our lives during our hardships, but they do. God utilizes the darkness in our lives to make something wonderful.

So, without a doubt, in your present darkness, those treasures are hidden away. In these dark places of brokenness, heartbreak, hardship, and loss, God brings into view His light to illuminate even the darkest areas. And it is not only enlightened but also full of treasures and riches in abundance. I know those times when despair has threatened to overwhelm me, and I cry out to Him from the deepest parts of my heart; it's then that His light shines the brightest; it is the best treasure to be found. He values and honors our choice to turn to Him in our times of need.

Naturally, my natural eyesight focuses on the pain and hardship around me, but my spiritual sight focuses on Hope in Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:7, for we walk by faith, not sight. Amy Carmichael quotes, "The woman who has no experiences in the dark has no secrets to share in the light." I want to share what I have learned from darkness; He got my attention and revealed my weaknesses and strengths. Increases my aversion to sin. (not all suffering leads to sin) demonstrates His faithfulness, strengthens my faith, removes my pride and self-centeredness, and prepares me for future service, enabling me to comfort others facing adversity. He reveals to me that He is a personal God. A loving God. A trustworthy God. A God who loves us dearly will call us by name. Shows me to see His goodness. Experience another level of His presence. He made darkness His hiding place (covering), His pavilion (canopy). Psalm 18:11 He is right there in it to reveal something more of Himself.

I am grateful to God that changes were taking place in the privacy of darkness. Transformations were occurring into his likeness, and complete metamorphosis became the woman He wanted me to be. In those times, His light and word gave me the courage to endure. He removes unpleasant stuff, cancels illnesses, breakthroughs, generational curses broken, stumbles on miracles and promises, answers prayers, deliverance, restoration, wisdom, opportunity, treasures, healing, etc.  

I wouldn't have known the presence & goodness of God if I wasn't walking into valleys of darkness to cause me to draw nearer to God to see such times as a time to learn, reflect, and depend on Him. He stopped things that the enemy meant to crush me, destroy me, and even stop the unseen and unknown. Every part of your story is valuable, my dear ones. He uses every gift, every talent, and every experience, good or bad, for His purpose and glory. We can rest in this truth. In the thick of it, we may believe that what we went through could never be used for anything worthwhile, but I have seen God turn things around in such a way that leaves me breathless.

Sweet sister, in those dark moments or seasons you are in right now, God is telling you He is doing HIS best work and preparing for the life that God wants you to have. Think of this when planting seeds to produce flowers; those seeds were growing in the dark. You go through a development process to get beautiful flowers. When a butterfly goes through a great deal of darkness yet becomes something beautiful. You are in that development season. Never doubt that He is not with you through the most significant times of darkness. He was bringing purpose and beauty through it all. When God blesses you with a child, the baby develops in the womb and goes through 9 months of development in the dark to enjoy the bundle of joy. So, He's always remembered. He calls you by name.

A new day dawns, and He has riches in store for you; even more, a valuable treasure is knowing the all-powerful God of the universe is working in the darkness. God wants you and me to have full access to all the blessings and rewards he has already laid aside for us. God sees beauty, and HE can work in any adverse circumstance, darkness, void, emptiness, and absence. He extends His hand into the darkness and blesses you in any situation. In adversity, we are to grow in the grace and beauty of our Lord. Let us not despise His ways but wait patiently and expectantly for the treasures He will give.

Until morning, my Savior has my treasure, and He will walk with me.


Father, with everything in me, I want to avoid the pain of now. Yet, I realize that I can't. I accept this time of darkness as a gift from You. Show me the treasures You have hidden for me, the riches stored in secret places. Help me get to know you better through this. Help me to run to You call me in the dark. Amen.


Isaiah 45:3, 2 Corinthians 4:8, Psalm 30:5, 2 Corinthians 5:7, Psalm 59:16, John 8:12, Psalm 18:11, Mathew 10:27, Psalm 27:1, Psalm 92:1-2



  • What are some dark places you have been in recently? 
  • What is one step you can take to move away from the darkness toward God's intended treasure?
  •  What hidden gifts might God be working on in your life right now? 
  • What is a treasure God has shown you?


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