Walking in HIS Light through darkness


Alone on a very dark night; have you ever been there? Afraid of the dark? Fearful of dark shadows? We all have, at some point, and it is frightening. We have dealt with or gone through some darkness in this journey we call life. Dark places, corners, or moments, whatever you call them, all are scary, gloomy, and heartbreaking. In my seasons of darkness, from time to time, the light seemed so far out of reach that it felt like I was aimlessly wandering in the dark. While wondering, I ponder when God will show up for me here? Why now? Why did He allow this to happen?  I am sinking to no end; where is He?

Who has not felt the dark caves of despair, grappling with shadows of depression, fear, anxiety, loss, and pits of pain? I believe God is far closer than we can understand in those dark moments. In those times when He feels distant, and it feels like we are missing into the darkness, God is, in fact, with us, close enough to touch if we will reach out. He can intervene in our darkness.

As Christ believers, we are comforted in knowing that the dark might be lurking around us or could settle over us, making us unable to see, but God is there to help us. He is the light of the world. In psalms, 139:11-12 says If I say, “Surely the darkness shall cover me, and the light about me be night,”12 even the darkness is not dark to you; the night is bright as the day, for darkness is as light with you. He lights our paths and shows us the way. We can be sure we have the light with us in this darkness. We only need to stay long enough to discover His presence in the places we do not want to be.

Remember that the enemy wants to convince you that the light will never return. But the light has never left. Your darkness might be deep and soon to swallow all hope. But HIS light wants to remind you that He is never overcome, even in the darkest of places. Psalm 119:105. Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Let God’s word give you peace, strength, and hope in life’s darkest moments. God’s strength + your trust = victory always.  

Did you know a black hole is not a black hole? A black hole is an object just like any other, except that it is incredibly dense. An object, so the whole is not all wrong. The enemy wants to keep you oppressed into believing you are in a black hole with no way out. But remember, a dark place will not be so dark with a little light cast upon it. So, do not let Satan use this pain to darken your outlook and keep you oppressed. Walk into His Light, shift your perspective into HIS. The darkness cannot prevail against the light.

Sometimes, the lights go out in life, and we feel we are left alone in the dark with our pain. So, I know it can be easy to give in to the hurt sometimes, and it is never easy to confront these dark, hurting places in our souls, but I also know that fighting through and giving it back to Jesus will be valuable beyond measure.

 Walking in His Light has shown me that the beautiful thing about God’s Light is that it brings clarity, safety, hope, and security. HIS light is powerful in his ability to heal, empower, and set free. His light is always there. Hope shines through. God wants to be close to us in our pain. He voluntarily immersed himself in our mess and brokenness. He is our hope and holds you until hope begins stirring into your soul. He is faithful. He is good. He is Kind. He will always make a way. God is right there with you, no matter how dark or alone you feel. Just like a shepherd protects and guides his sheep in those dark moments, God wants to do the same for you. Psalm 23:4

God’s promises whispered in the light do not change when the sunset. It doesn’t matter how dark the dark is; we cannot go anywhere to escape His loving Light. He is seated right beside us as we weep. He is our listening ear as we vent our frustrations. He is our steady anchor of truth in a sea of confusion. Do not be afraid of the dark as Christ is with you; this darkness may seem to be suffocating your very soul. Still, in Christ, it has no authority over you. The great light of the world came to shine into our darkness. No darkness is dark to him. 1 John 1:5 says that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. He came to this earth so you can breathe deep and have peace even when you cannot see through this darkness.

Dear sisters, if you find yourself in a dark place today, remember that Jesus, our friend, the lover of your heart, is with you, and He will not leave you for a moment. He is unafraid of that which scares you most. The light will always do away with darkness. It does not matter whether this darkness is spiritual or physical. The only way the dark and light are alike is that they both are controlled by Him. Today, Jesus is telling you He has His hand over us and making sure that the enemy of our souls understands we are His.


I thank You for never being conquered by darkness. Thank you that this darkness will dissipate, and the night around me will be like day once again. I am grateful that your light is with me as I walk with you, learn to walk in your ways, and seek your divine presence in my life moment by moment. Thank you for your promise that I will shine again. Take me into the Light of Your glorious presence. Radiate all darkness out of my being and fill me with hope in the promise of his victory. Amen.


Psalm 139:11-12, Psalm 18:28, Psalm 107: 14, Psalm 143:3 Lamentations 3:22-23 John 16:33, 1 John 1:5, 2 Corinthians 4:1, psalm 23:4, Psalm 119:105.


  • What tends to be your go-to reaction when you are in a dark place? 
  • What are some dark places you have been in recently? 
  • What step can you take to move from the darkness toward God’s Light? 
  • How do I hope to heal and live more fully in God’s Light?


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