Self-talk-Soul talk” How are you speaking to yourself?

I'll always remember facing my fear of heights by attempting indoor rock climbing. As I got to prep to climb, I was excited as I began this new journey. In the middle of the climb, I felt my body trembling, and negative thoughts invaded my mind. I stopped climbing, and under my breath, I started to preach to myself to calm down and conquer the wall. Have you ever given yourself a pep talk? Or give someone a boost speech? I have no doubt that you had. When fear, toxic thoughts, shame, and insecurity physically and emotionally cripple you.  God is saying to you today, With the help of the Holy Spirit, you can stand confidently and empowered, free from fear and uncertainty. Embrace your strength and walk tall. You are a daughter of God by choosing and a God-fearing woman who is beautiful from the inside out.

We all have issues, some of which seem impossible or have unavoidable circumstances or situations that make us self-talk. Preaching ourselves often feel we have no control over our events. However, our Bible tells us that we control our thoughts, attitude, and even our choice to seek God. "My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and appear before God?" {Psalm 42:2}, friend, our souls crave to be filled just like our stomachs do. Our stomachs were made for food. Our souls were made to be nourished by God's Word. We will ache if we go too long without believing God's Word's truth. We may not realize it indicates that our soul is hungry, but the ache inside us gets increasingly urgent. And since many options are readily available to relieve us, we grab for things that are essentially junk food for the soul "For he satisfies the longing soul, and the hungry soul he fills with good things." {Psalm 107:9}

As women, it is simple to self-talk out of things, talks negatively about us, lay in bed replaying events that didn't go so well, and find all the awful reasons why they went that way. But as God-fearing women, we know we can control how we think about them and allow our mind, soul, and heart to turn our unwholesome talk to the light of God's word, HIS truth, and redirect our thoughts so they can align with HIS. When talking, our brain must recognize that our soul is starved and thirsty for righteousness. It is time to revive our spirits and discover the truth by exploring our inner selves. God has blessed us with the ability to comprehend logic and obtain spiritual understanding through the guidance of the Holy Spirit's strength. But even when we don't immediately understand what we are reading, we can rest assured that just taking in God's Word for ourselves will nourish deep places. We don't have to understand all the inner workings of our stomach for our body to be nourished by physical food; spiritual food is much the same So let's ask God to help us stop reaching for those same old mind-numbing, falsely satisfying, soul-junk food options and ask Him to meet us in the pages of His Word instead.

While maturing to eliminate negative self-talk and nourish your soul-talk, you will start gaining control of your thought life. You will be sensible to the words coming out of your mouth. Yes, our words matter. God's words matter. They matter because the girl inside us needs to hear and believe she matters! The girl in your needs to hear that you believe in her. Affirm who you are, whose you are, and what is possible. Fight for you." So, let's practice speaking God's words over our lives, shall we? Bathe your mind daily with God's Word and fine-tune your "receiver" to hear what He's saying to you. You hold the most influence in your life since no one talks to you more than you do. "Already you are clean because of the word that I have spoken to you." {John 15:3} Turn your eyes towards Jesus. He will soothe our souls. Psalm 103:1-2

God wants our thought life to be protected as well as our hearts. "Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth." {Colossians 3:2} You have a choice to have biblical self-talks where we deliberately and consciously insert God and His Word into our thought processes—leading Him to stop the negative talk (attitude adjustment) so that our thinking has a divine perspective. Goodness in = Goodness out.

God can speak to our souls. Our soul talk can turn feelings of fear or doubt into actions of faith.  But remember, feelings aren't always the same thing as facts. So, who is speaking to you? Who is saying those words to you? If God didn't tell them, why would you say them to yourself? So, each time you give yourself a pep talk, let your speech reflect what your soul treasures, a Christ focus one. "May the word of Christ dwell in you richly. . ." (Colossians 3:16). God is so loving and has equipped you to exercise all power and authority poured out of you to find rest in HIM.

Lastly, I wanted to give you a glimpse of my self-soul talk. What truth do you need to silence self-talk? For me, Tamy, what is impossible for you is possible with me~ GOD. {Luke 18;27}

Then my soul fills me with Psalm 103:1-2 Praise HIM, Psalm 62:5. Rest Psalm 27:8. Seek HIS face Psalm 42:5. Hope in GOD Psalm 116:7 once again Rest "It is well with my soul.


Lord God, my Shepherd. Thank You for your love and care. Thank You for leading me to places and times where I can be restored and renewed. I aim to maintain my focus on You, relying on Your guidance, protection, and provision as I believe You can rejuvenate my soul. I will listen for Your voice as I follow You (John 10:27) because where You lead me, you provide everything I need. Amen


Proverbs 4:23, 23:7, Psalm 103:1-2, Psalm 62:5, Psalm 107:9, Psalm 94:19, John 6:24, Song of Solomon 3:4. 


  •      Who are you doing life with, and how much have you shared with them about the things you hope to "detox."
  •       How can you monitor your mind and screen the thoughts you entertain?
  •       In what way can you turn your soul talk into encouraging words?
  •      What are you and God working on together these days?
  •      Which feelings must you hold up to Scripture to get a handle on? 


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