
I look fabulous! My hair is radiant! My skin is flawless!  

Do you say that every morning or every day to yourself?  

Absolutely not! We tend to be our worst critics, right?  Be honest. We ARE! we tend to be very harsh, unforgiving, and judgmental, especially as women; we can really dissect ourselves pretty quickly and voice out loud all the wrong things within us. Therefore, we automatically see imperfections and everything we need to change in our physical bodies. Truthfully, if it was up to me, I would do plenty of nip/ tuck. So we all know what we want to change or enhanced, and when we look at ourselves in the mirror, we only see imperfections, inadequacies, and even failures. 

The same happens in our spiritual mirror when we come to God; he sees our imperfections, failures, mistake, and all. And STILL sees his masterpiece. He doesnā€™t see what we see or say what we say about ourselves. For example, we hear the phrase we are created in his image and likeness (GOD). in Genesis.1:27 "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.ā€ (NIV). Which, to me, we are created like him, and to put myself down for the way I am or how I look is insulting Godā€™s handiwork. Moreover, when we look into our spiritual mirror, we look into what God needs to change, improved, molded, correct, strengthened, restored, removed, refreshed, and renewed, and knew what that is by reading HIS word. Even though being completely exposed seems scary and uncomfortable; God wants us to be vulnerable and humble so HE can do the work he needs to do in our lives. So spend time in His word daily 5 or 10 or 15 or 20 or 30 or even an hour; whatever time you decide to do, it doesnā€™t matter; what matters is that youā€™re spending time with HIM. And the best thing about spending time with him is that we have the best book (bible) we can read. You will find all the answered we need to all our problems, to see what he says about you and know that his words are true. Remember, the more time we spend reading his word, the better our lives will be, the better mother you will be, the better woman you will be, the better wife you will be, simply the better YOU will be. Our spiritual mirror is more important to take care of than the physical. The more we work on the inside out, the better it will reflect in our exterior.

When you look remember God looks into our hearts, not faces, and demands constant progression, not perfection. Therefore, Letā€™s be God-centered, less sin-centered. NO MORE CONDEMNATION.
 Ladies grow in self-esteem rooted in being Godā€™s workmanship. (Eph 2:10)   So look in the mirror and say at loud Thank You, Lord, for not seeing our mistakes, flaws and failures, and thank you that despite it all; when you look right at me you say thatā€™s my daughter who I fearfully and wonderfully made. youā€™re beautiful, youā€™re my masterpiece, youā€™re precious, youā€™re loved, youā€™re strong, youā€™re healthy, youā€™re created to do amazing things and accomplishing your dreams and living his abundant life. 


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