Mommy Time

Hmm., immersing in the foaming chamomile calming bubble bath, music playing in the background. Just me, along with my calming thoughts. As I breathe in my lavender scent and soak in the bath, all my worries are melting away; marvelous, isn't it? Some me time and nothing more. Lovely as this sounds, the reality is that my kiddos are screaming outside the door; everyone is demanding my attention and requesting that I attend to their needs. It is merely chaos, and my relaxing oasis only lasts 5 minutes. Why is it so hard to have my time? Why is it so challenging to have alone time? We are moms; we have a mile-long to-do list, our names are called over 1000 times, and we are multitasking in our daily routine and schedules and trying to survive each day. Motherhood is challenging and demanding. So, no wonder when we hear or are asked to have quiet time, all we can do is smile because, in your mind, you are wondering, are you kidding me? I can barely have time alone. 

As moms, we know that having time for ourselves and caring for our physical and mental well-being is essential. So, having quiet time is pivotal to our Christian walk, and we know its benefits, but how can we have that time within our schedules and seasons? How can I have a meaningful time with God? How can I? When I finally have 5 minutes, I am physically exhausted and mentally drained. Let's face it; we need more time and mental focus to pull off the kind of study we want to do. But, on the other hand, it is precisely because I am a busy mom with young children, and I need time with God each day that is deep and satisfying, and I start my day with a fresh filling of the Spirit.

Mathew 6:33 says, But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. God will add the time, show you the direction with the children, and give you peace, strength, and all you need to endure. The best gift you can give yourself is to seek God and spend time with Him. His Word will never return to Him empty and will always accomplish His desires. I mean, if I can be transparent for a moment, we are the heart of our families; as a result, we need to make sure our hearts stay in excellent condition with God's Word because if our hearts are not aligning with His, Our flesh flares up, we run in fumes, our hearts will be filled with resentment, frustration, and anger then our kids will feel it and feed on it. "Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do because you are his dear children." Ephesians 5:1

We do not need to seek perfection but simply be present. Keep showing up. There is no right way of having quiet time in this season you are in. God will meet where you are; we have to be creative in our ways, whether kids are napping, listening to podcasts, watching sermons, reading at night, etc. Your quiet time does not have to fit a mold presented to you by your favorite author, Instagram, Facebook friends, or Pinterest. Allow the Holy Spirit to calm your emotions and relax your mind and heart.

Proverbs 5:1-2 says, "Pay attention to my wisdom, turn your ear to my words of insight, that you may maintain discretion and your lips may preserve knowledge." Quiet time is not just a quiet time, alone time, a ritual, or being still; it is more than that. It is intimacy with our Father. Allowing our Savior to change our hearts, for His transformation occurs in our daily lives and connects our hearts to His. It is a heart attitude. You can achieve it in the middle of the messy kitchen with a kid screaming off, in the shower, while doing dishes, or sitting in the car. You can even have it while standing in the doctor's office, and your kids are calling your name out loud, and frustration threatening to boil over. Having stillness in your heart is the answer to the mystery of how to have quiet time in a house filled with children and a to-do list that just will not quit.

Be encourage. You are not alone. We all need mommy time, especially godly, that can shift our minds and hearts and extend grace to ourselves and others. Remember, your time will look different from others, and that is okayā€”Walk in grace, not condemnation. A loud life does not mean a loud heart. Do not give up, my sweet mama. Whether you do it quietly or not, what matters is that you have a willing heart to do it. God is not delighted with us only when our Bibles are open, or our heads are bowed. He is pleased with us when our hearts are in the right place. All that we do throughout the day can be a way to serve God or further His kingdom. We must remember God and shift our perspective from doing mundane tasks to helping in daily "kingdom work."



God, open my eyes to see the power in your Word. Open my ears to know what you are saying. You know my heart, quiet my distractions, and fill me with your Holy Spirit. Draw me close into your Presence. Show me your ways, oh, Lord. Help me to hear your whispers and know your voice above all else. I love you, and I need you today. Thank you for your immense grace. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


Psalm 73:28, Joshua 1:8, Hebrews 13:15, Ephesians 3:12, Luke 12:31, Psalm 46:10, Matthew 6:33, Proverbs 5:1-2, Chronicles 16:11, Ephesians 5:1


  •      What step will you take today to reignite a passion for Jesus?
  •       How can you change things in your quiet time with God so that it is not just an item on your to-do list?
  •       What distracts you most from time with Jesus?
  •       What is one thing you can do differently t
    o block out only one distraction in your quiet time? 

Here are a few tools that help me in my quiet time. 

*First 5

* Cultivate what matters

*Spiritual Circle 


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