Extreme Makeover-Mindset transformation


We all love makeover shows; at least, I do. We love the transformations from before to after, whether it is a home, fashion, makeup, hair, weight loss, or whatever it is; we love seeing the end results, dramatic changes, and people's reactions. As much we love seeing those transformations on TV, God also asks us to do a makeover, a thought closet, to be precise. What would your closet look like? Would you be too mortified? Frightened? Or is it too hard to admit the yucky stuff hiding in it? The truth is that no matter how your closet looks, we all struggle with our minds and need a makeover. Romans 12:2 says to be transformed by the renewal of your mind; the path of makeover runs from the mind to the heart.

In other words, to reorganize our closets, we must focus on God, for Him alone can renew our hearts and bring the best out of us. Also, we must put on the armor of GOD, specifically the sword of the spirit, the only weapon on the offense for us to fight our enemy (devil). Our enemy longs for us to believe that toxic thoughts, wrongful attitudes, and lies are just a part of life. He desires for our life's events to bring us to defeat. He knows he has no power against the ability of God's word to transform us. God has given us the divine power and authority to fight along with the guidance on how to handle this battle and have victory 2 Cor.10:4 For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholdsRenewing our minds is possible in Christ. He has given us the power to take every thought captive. Transformation happens when we choose to rest in His Truth, listen to His voice, and follow His lead; he breaks away the weights holding us down and readies us with a new mind and heart from the inside out.

Our minds think, on average, 60,000 thoughts a day, almost one thought per second, and 70% are negative. No wonder our minds can be cluttered, distracted, overwhelmed, and sometimes we do not even realize what is happening in our minds. The enemy is devious; he knows our minds are a place where it can bring despair or delight. Therefore, it is unsurprising that our most significant spiritual battle is fought between our ears. We all face struggles, especially within our minds. Sometimes, emotional reactions, quick insults, and worst-case scenarios speak louder than God's Truth. They leave us feeling defeated, demotivated and discouraged. God commands us to align our thoughts with His truth. He desires for us to live filled in Him with peace and freedom.  

As thoughts try to invade, you might feel intimidated to take all of them captive, but as ~Jennie Allen states, just take one little thought captive, one little thought that could shift all others like a domino effect. Imagine one thought demolished with God's truth, and then voila, all others drop, having no control. Awesome, right? 2 Cor.10:5-6 We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God and take every thought captive to obey Christ, being ready to punish every disobedience, when your obedience is complete

 We can tear down every lie and process our thinking through God's eyes. The option to choose to live well and think well. To meet our enemy at the door and not let him take another step. Arms ourselves with scripture and allows the overflow of his word to pour out so there is no room for the enemy's lies. Be mindful that our problems or circumstances all start with our thoughts. How we think and speak reflects how we see and believe in our GOD. I heard it like this: Beliefs become thoughts, become words, become actions, and actions become a reality.

What are you thinking about? Our thoughts matter to God; he brings life and hope. God desires you to use the weapons he has given you; shout enough is enough. Stop the spiral; seek Him, speak to Him, and He will light up your face and mind.

There have been instances where I needed to hear God and allow Him to tear out some of my old thought patterns and replace them with the stability of His Truth. Undoubtedly, keeping our thought closets full of the right things is hard work. But HE empowers us to press on! Somehow, fighting the battle is a little bit easier when I remember God is on my side. Even when I see the brokenness, I can walk in the wholeness of His victory! My identity in Jesus Christ is the central fact that influences my present circumstances and determines my eternal future, and it is available by faith alone. Do not doubt; do not wonder; do not question it.

A thought makeover is essential because the enemy loves for us to dwell in our minds negatively. Do not let society, culture, and social media squeeze you into their mold, but let God re-mold your mind from within. Listen to His truth and learn to be free."A ship does not sink because of the water around it but because of the water that gets in" (Anonymous). What you let in determines the way we act. And the way we act determines the atmosphere we live in. So, my friend, let us purge our thought closets of negative, self-centered complaints so our lives will overflow with the fruit of gratefulness, and our words will glow with gratitude. Today, let us fill our thought closet only with truth and clothe ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. To live on guard to the enemy schemes. We ask God to help us keep our thought closet clean, orderly, and pleasing to Him. Take hold of biblical fight-back strategies, faith-building thought patterns, and habit-changing methods. So, you can live in freedom. Mindset is everything; set yours in JESUS!

I want to share a way you can renew your mind:

Recognize the lies, Refuse them, Replace them with God's truth, and Repeat until you believe it.


Heavenly Father, give us the mind of Christ. Help us reflect only on truth, the Truth of Who You are, and the reality of who we are in You. Reveal negative thoughts; we must toss them out and fill our closets only with Ruth. Help me to overcome the lies, the toxic thoughts of insecurity, fear, etc. Lord, renew my mind and set my eyes on you. Holy Spirit, help me to answer from your fruits and not from my own selfishness. Thank you, Lord, for your divine mindset transformation and for protecting me from the lies of this world. It is my hope to carry on in your mighty name, AMEN!


Romans 12:2 2 Corinthians 10:4-6, 2 Corinthians 6:7, Psalm 18:34, 144:1, 119:15, 143:5 Proverbs 16: 1, Galatians 4:7, Isaiah 55:8-9


  • How are you taking new ground in your king? 
  • What transformation from the Lord do you see in your life?
  •  What stronghold is holding you back? 
  • What truth demolishes that solid hold? 
  • How do you keep your mind from settling on unhealthy, untrue, or distracting thoughts? 
  • What can you do to shut the door to your negative thoughts? 
  • What God's Truth can you fully absorb and shape your identity today?


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