A Teachable Heart, A Willing Spirit, A Bendable Will, and A Loving Attitude: The Godly Woman I Aspire to Be

As women of faith, we all share a deep longing to cultivate a closer relationship with God and to embody His love in our daily lives. The journey of spiritual growth can be challenging, yet it is undeniably worthwhile. When I reflect on the woman I aspire to become, four essential qualities emerge a teachable heart, a willing spirit, a bendable will, and a loving attitude. Collectively, these traits lay the groundwork for what it means to be a virtuous woman of God. A teachable heart keeps us receptive to God's guidance and correction. It acknowledges that we don’t have all the answers and that there is always room for improvement. With a teachable heart, we allow ourselves to be shaped by our Creator, trusting in His perfect plan for our lives. A willing spirit signifies our readiness to follow God’s lead, even when the path is difficult or requires sacrifice. It’s about saying "yes" to His calling, understanding that His ways are higher than ours, and believing that He will empower us to accomplish every good work. A bendable will emphasize the value of surrender. In a culture that champions independence and self-sufficiency, yielding our will to align with God’s is an act of humility and obedience. It involves setting aside our desires for His greater purpose, and trusting that what He has in store for us is infinitely better than we could imagine. Lastly, a loving attitude encompasses all these qualities. Without love, our endeavors are hollow. 

It is through love that we truly reflect Christ’s heart, offering grace, compassion, and kindness to those around us. A loving attitude motivates our actions and keeps us anchored in the greatest commandment: to love God and love one another. These characteristics serve as the cornerstones of a godly woman’s essence, and as we strive to embody them, we not only deepen our faith but also become a bright light in a world yearning for His love. 

A Teachable Heart

A teachable heart is open, humble, and ready to learn. It acknowledges that no matter how far we’ve come, there is always more to learn—about ourselves, about others, and most importantly, about God. Having a teachable heart means we allow God to correct, guide, and shape us. It’s about being receptive to His Word and wisdom, and not letting pride get in the way of growth. Proverbs 1:5 tells us, “Let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance.” In essence, we never outgrow our need for growth.

 A Willing Spirit

To be willing means to say “yes” to God, even when the path ahead is uncertain or difficult. A willing spirit is full of faith and trust, eager to obey and follow where God leads. This willingness reflects our surrender to His plans over our own. It’s a posture of submission, acknowledging that His ways are higher than ours. As we embrace a willing spirit, we learn to say, “Here I am, Lord; send me,” trusting that wherever He leads, it will be for our good and His glory.

A Bendable Will

Life often takes unexpected turns, and having a bendable will means we are flexible enough to bend, but not break, under the weight of challenges. It’s about yielding to God’s will over our own desires. A bendable will means that even when things don’t go the way we had hoped or planned, we trust that God is sovereign. Just like clay in the hands of the potter, we allow ourselves to be shaped and molded by His hand, knowing that He is forming something beautiful in us.

A Loving Attitude

Finally, a loving attitude must be at the core of everything we do as godly women. Jesus commands us to love one another as He has loved us (John 13:34). Love isn’t just a feeling; it’s an action—a daily choice we make in treating others. It’s about showing grace, kindness, and compassion, even in moments of frustration. A loving attitude reflects the heart of Christ and is the light that draws others toward Him. To embody this love is to live out the greatest commandment.

Becoming the Godly Woman I Want to Be

Becoming the godly woman I aspire to be is a lifelong journey. It requires constant prayer, self-reflection, and trust in God’s process. A teachable heart allows me to continue learning; a willing spirit keeps me open to His calling; a bendable will let me accept His plan, and a loving attitude ensures that everything I do is rooted in love. This is the kind of woman I want to be—not perfect, but perfectly willing to let God mold me into His image.

As we continue on this journey together, let’s encourage one another to cultivate these traits. Let’s be women who lift each other up, who listen, who are open to growth, and who walk with a spirit of humility, grace, and love. After all, it’s not about having it all together; it’s about having hearts that are open to God’s transforming power. And that is where true beauty lies.


Heavenly Father,  

I come before You today with a heart longing to grow and be more like You. Lord, I ask that You cultivate within me a teachable heart, one that is open and eager to learn from Your Word and Your wisdom. Help me to humbly accept correction and guidance, knowing that You are always working to shape me into the woman You’ve called me to be.

Grant me a willing spirit, Lord, that I may say "yes" to Your will in every area of my life. Strengthen my faith to trust You, even when the path is uncertain. Give me the courage to step out in obedience, knowing that You are leading me for my good and Your glory.

Father, I pray for a bendable will, one that can adapt to the twists and turns of life without breaking under pressure. When things don’t go as I’ve planned, help me to surrender to Your greater purpose, trusting that Your plans are always higher and better than mine.

Finally, Lord, fill me with a loving attitude that reflects the heart of Christ. Let love be the foundation of all my actions, words, and thoughts. Teach me to extend grace, compassion, and kindness to others, even when it’s difficult so that Your love shines through me.

I offer myself to You, God, and ask that You continue to mold and transform me into the woman You’ve called me to be. May my life bring You honor and glory, and may I walk in Your truth every day.

In Jesus' name,  Amen. 


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