Mini- Folkloric Festival

On September 16, 2011, The Christ church cathedral (episcopal) was hosting their first festival commemorating Hispanic Heritage. There were many performances, and dances but in my mind was only one that concern me; Folklore of Panama, why you ask? Well, because I was performing, and I was ecstatic to show my moves to family, friends, and my folklore group. I was so ready to dance and calm, but as soon as the music started, my nerves were out of whack. However, after a minute or so, I was as cool as a cucumber. I enjoyed every minute of our dances. Even when I was having a clothing malfunction.

We had five dances. You will think that is not much, but by the time we finished, we were exhausted and thirsty. So everyone ran to drink something, which was truly hilarious. You truly burn lots of calories; it's great cardio. (I must try some time.) While savoring food from my papa's table and Honduran treats, we saw other countries perform and a fashion show. The show was very educational and colorful. 

The countries presented were Mexico, Guatemala, Panamá, Salvador, Costa Rica, and Honduras. It was such a nice time trying different foods and drinks, and it was such a treat to have two Panamanian folklore groups performing.

It was not a bad time for our second performance. We took notes and learned. I'm truly having fun and enjoying being part of the folklore group. Happy Heritage Month!

Until the next performance.


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