Burn Notice season 4 finale

This finale to some they would like it, some might like it and others not so much. it was just a cliffhanger full of questions not many answers.

To me; was like OMG what a finale! It was full of action, mystery, friendship and romance . In this finale Old enemies came out to play which Larry was crazy great and Brennan was good too.

We saw the friendship of the threesome get stronger and the weird friendship between Jesse and Micheal strange reconciliation was a little odd but expected.

We saw the love he has for his mom and the love he has for Fiona or should I say the love Fiona has for him. My favorite scene was when Fiona went back to Michael and got caught in a suicidal standoff.

of course I had to write down my fave scene lines

Fi: I belong out there with him. for better or for worse.
Jesse: I imagine it's for worse.
Fi: I knew that the moment I met him.
Then she races out to fight beside him in the "suicide mission."
Out of ammo and surrounded, Fi holding Mikael's hand and a home made bomb awaiting the end, "I was always better with explosives than you."

I must admit I cried. just a little ;-)

Everyone was great; they did an awesome job. that's why I love this show. Can't wait to see season's five.

Now that Michael is back in DC there are so many questions to answers. what would be next for Michael Westen? would he be back as full-time spy? goes back to Miami? whatever its next for Michael it's going to be interesting.

I'll there to see it unfolds........


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