Crazy things people do while driving

Today I saw a driver flossing while driving. It made me think of all the crazy things I have seen people do while driving.

We have seen news reports that innocent people had died over people texting while driving or being distracted. which, is a shame. Those deaths could have been prevented.

But apparently, seeing the news or hear about accidents due to distracted drivers is not enough for people to stop being distracted and concentrate on driving.

We all know that lots of people text while driving or talk on the phone while driving and more distractions are causing more deadly accidents. But the craziest things people do while driving is insane; like shaving, applying make-up, eat or drink, changing their clothes, reading books or kindle, brushing your teeth, holding a baby, holding pets and of course multitasking. People driver distraction is a KILLLER; makes you wonder what other motorist are doing behind the wheel besides driving right? Please dont wait until something tragedy happens for you make changes.

When you are driving know that our loves ones and friends are on the road too and that a car is a weapon. Please be a careful driver. While you are driving nothing is more important that cannot wait and is not loosing a life over it.


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