Movies? netflix

I love netflix. here is why:


Convenience, I don't have to go to a store to get movies. they come in the mail. finish with the movies just simply return it by mail and wait for others to come.

Unlimited online movies, I like to be able to watch movies online or by gaming system. Most of my movies I had watch online. Especially with the kids they love watching cartoons and movies. Also love to watch my favorite TV shows. in case I missed it or was not able to watch them I can watch them here and I love it.

no late-fee, no more worries such as whether I remember or forgot to return the movies.

Shipping: is quick and free....gotta love that.

Ever since I join netflix I have enjoyed it. however, there are few cons about them.


availability, because of the high demand netflix does not have enough copies for everyone. for example, it would say is available now, then next day will say short or long wait.

old movies, most of the available online movies are quite old not much popular movies to see.

Nonetheless, I'm still using netflix and will continue using until it doesn't work for me. Overall its great service to have. Give it a try. My family loves it and we have lots of movie nights.

give it a shot; let me know what you think?


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