
The holidays season's it's a time to give and receive presents. Do you remember when you were a kid and you couldn't wait until Christmas morning to open your presents.The excitement of running towards the Christmas tree to see what you got. The fun of opening the gift...... The delight of going shopping to buy all of this gifts. Simple happiness. Whatever happen to that?

In today, a society of overindulgence and over spending. That simple enjoyment is all gone by stress. nowadays, we are so stressed out this time a year. Worrying about how many gifts i need to buy, is it going to fit in my budget?, are they going to like it? is it my gift enough to show them I care and so on............ The stress is so overwhelming that we get physically and emotionally effects.

Whatever happen to the simple thankfulness of receiving a gift. not worrying about price, how many, brands, trends. just simply gifts. The definition of gifts means to give freely for no recompense.

Let's give presents to our love one's without worrying and stressing. Go simple, let's show are children to be modest in their expectations, be thoughtful to others and be thankful. This time of year is about sharing, loving and be thankful.

That's why this year I decided to set a budget and one or two gifts per person. They know I love them; I show to them all year round...I had made some gifts and I'm so glad I did. It gives an extra touch. NO stress NO fuss..................


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